As an industry expert, I can confidently say that Partagas Aristocrats are a must-have for cigar aficionados. Handmade in la Isla, these cigars boast a rich blend of premium tobacco, delivering a smooth and flavorful smoking experience. Perfect for those seeking a high-quality and satisfying cigar.
Hand Made
Petit Cedros
LENGHT 129mm RING Ø 40
If there is a particularly famous Habanos factory in Havana, it is Partagás. The factory was created in 1845 by Don Jaime Partagás, and has been producing this prestigious cigars brand ever since. Buying as many plantations as he could in Cuba's great Vuelta Abajo region, Jaime was the first factory owner to use lectors to read aloud to workers. He was also one of the first to experiment with cigar fermentation and ageing methods to preserve the quality of his cigars. The brand has been acquired by a number of forward-thinking people and companies since it was founded - building upon the success and quality created by previous owner. The Partagás vitolario is characterized by a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Particularly well- known are the Series D No. 4 vitolas, Lusitanias, 8-9-8 and the Partagás Pirámide Series P No. 2, a pyramid that quickly became a Habano of choice for lovers of full flavor cigars, introduced in 2005. Partagás Habanos are immediately recognizable for their intense flavour. The character of its blend, made up of selected cigars from the Vuelta Abajo region, is of inimitable richness and aroma.